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     Henry Earl of Ferrars in Normandy came to England with William the Conqueror, at the time of the Conquest he held 210 Lordships in 14 different counties in England - Sir Fuh account of the family of Ferrars See Burlus “Commoncess of England” - Sir Hercules de Bechwith de Clint, married the daughter of Sir John Ferrars of Lameworth Castle (see p. of this manuscript).


      The figures under the names indicate the degree of the descent from Sir Hugh de Malebisse, the Noman Knight who went to England with William the Conqueror.  
      The direct ancestors of Amy B. Smith, mother of Professor H. L. Smith have a line drawn beneath their names - In addition to the direct Bruce Ancestor of Mrs. A.B. Smith, I have in the preceeding pages brought down the line (which is the same, to the royal Bruces, and the Royal Stuart line, so that the contangiunity can be traced, I have separated the two lines where they diverge, that is in the other early noble lines, Ferrars I do not bring them down below the direct Ancestors. 

     The descent was complied by Dr. Percy from incontestable proof: (1) Hugh Capet, King of France died 996 - (2) Robert II King of France died 1031, Married Constance the daughter of Count of Arles. (3) Adelin married Baldwin 6th Earl of Flanders.

   1.  Charlemagne King of France
   2.  Louis le Devinaise
   3.  Charles the Bold
   4.  Judith married Baldwin 1st Earl of Flanders
   5.  Baldwin 2nd Earl of Flanders married Ethelwida daughter of Alfred the Great King of England
   6.  Arnulph 3rd Earl of Flanders
   7.  Baldwin, died fita patria
   8.  Arnulph 4th Earl of Flanders
   9.  Baldwin 5th Earl of Flanders
  10. Baldwin 6th Earl of Flanders, married Adelin

(See above as some historians give her name Alix,) the daughter of Robert King of France. Hence through the Kings of England - the Prince of Wales, the Mistress, after Audleys and the Lonchets.


     Elizabeth Lonchet married Sir John Barkerville born in 1433, lineally descended from Sir Robert Barkerville, who married a daughter of Rees ap Jud Rees ap Tudor Prince of Wales. Thus the Barkervilles derive from the Kings of England, France, Scottland and Ireland, from the Prince of North and South Wales, from the Courts of Flanders, and Charlemagen, emperor of the West - The family of Barkerville owe their origin to Sir William Barkerville, granter of a moiety of old Wittington in 1226, and that estate has ever since been in the family. A daughter of Sir John Barkerville and Elizabeth Lonchet married Sir William Bechwith of Clint Knight.